Impeccable Customer Service Tip #831
Don’t worry about choosing between hi-tech and hi-touch customer options. Instead, appeal to more customers by offering both whenever possible.
Engineering the Customer Experience
Impeccable Customer Service Tip #831
Don’t worry about choosing between hi-tech and hi-touch customer options. Instead, appeal to more customers by offering both whenever possible.
Impeccable Customer Service Tip #830
Your competition is likely over promising and under delivering. What if you took the exact opposite approach? How might that leave your customers/clients feeling?
Impeccable Customer Service Tip #829
“Customers don’t care what department you’re in; they want you to solve their problem on the first interaction.”
–R “Ray” Wang
Impeccable Customer Service Tip #828
When you foster a culture of remarkable customer service, your employees are better prepared to handle whatever comes their way while leaving the customer feeling a sense of partnership. And it’s that sense of partnership that generates loyalty.
Impeccable Customer Service Tip #827
“Voice of the Customer” (VOC) is about consciously including the customer’s perspective when considering your products and services. What would they expect; appreciate; dislike; embrace; etc. This approach is especially effective when the “voice” is someone from outside of your firm, or even your industry.
Impeccable Customer Service Tip #826
A remarkable and relevant client experience leads to client loyalty … which leads to repeat and referral business … which is a preferred and sustainable path to profitability, and – oh, by the way – a strengthened culture, too.
Impeccable Customer Service Tip #825
Customer Experience (CX) is the holistic, journey-based evolution of what was once known – albeit myopically – as customer service. The smartest companies pay attention to CX trends and make regular adjustments. Customer Experience is a quest, not an initiative.
Impeccable Customer Service Tip #824
“Your customers have embarked on a journey with your company – but where are they headed? If you’re not confident that your customers are following the path to a lasting and profitable relationship with you, then it’s time to evaluate how well your company is managing the journey”
–Satmetrix Blog
Impeccable Customer Service Tip #823
Ever-changing social, technical, and global forces will continue to affect many facets of your business at a more rapid pace than any other time in our history. Your customer experience is one such facet, a big one in fact. But you already knew that.
Impeccable Customer Service Tip #822
What might it cost you to appoint a passionate and experienced Chief Customer Experience Officer in your firm? What might it cost you … if you don’t?