Impeccable Communication

Customer Experience Tip #1439

Do you charge a relatively large sum of money for the service you provide? If you’re not painting a clear enough picture of your expertise and what’s involved in bringing that customer’s project to life, then that customer may very well have a difficult time seeing the value and therefore justifying your fee.

Impeccable Humility

Customer Experience Tip #1438

It’s OK to not know something. It’s not OK to pretend as if you do. So, instead of making that customer suffer through unnecessarily long resolution times (while you learn your way through something unfamiliar) involve a more senior peer to help that customer while you listen in and learn.

Impeccable Response

Customer Experience Tip #1437

“People think the world is going to come down on them. It turns out that this is the greatest opportunity for a company to move in and create a memorable experience. A problem could be a problem, or a problem could be an opportunity.” –Stefan Thomke, Harvard Business School Professor

Impeccable Empathy

Customer Experience Tip #1436

Customer empathy will always win the day, in a world (and marketplace) that so desperately needs it.

Impeccable Partnership

Customer Experience Tip #1435

When you “own” that customer’s problem for them and see it through to resolution, you become their champion. Everyone loves a champion.

Impeccable Details

Customer Experience Tip #1434

Is there something keeping your clients from enjoying their experience; some inherent distraction? Can you eliminate that distraction altogether?

Impeccable Shift

Customer Experience Tip #1433

“The Web has helped usher in a shift from an organization-centric universe to a customer-centric one.” –Gerry McGovern

Impeccable Response

Customer Experience Tip #1432

How do you personally react to complaints? Do you tense up and become defensive? Know that the person making the complaint could have just walked away quietly and later shared their grievances with anyone willing to listen. Instead, they’ve given you a chance to listen, apologize, propose a solution, and thank them for having the courage to say something. They’re doing you a favor.

Impeccable Personalization

Customer Experience Tip #1431

Do you ever wonder what pet peeves your clients or prospects may have AS your client or prospect? Consider asking them. The more you know…

Impeccable Acknowledgment

Customer Experience Tip #1430

Do you receive client referrals? Do you always thank the referral source? Most people aren’t hardwired as “connectors.” Be sure you’re acknowledging the few who are.