Impeccable Correlation

Impeccable Customer Service Tip #567

“Profit in business comes from repeat customers; customers that boast about your product and service, and that bring friends with them.”

-W. Edwards Deming




  1. Steve…Love this quote from Deming. It is so perfectly stated and yet so misunderstood. When we teach clients about Client Appreciation it is one of the first topics we cover and we find a shift needs to be made in their thinking. Companies spend too much time and money trying to find new clients and forget about their current and past clients. Once the sale is over and the job is done, they are off to races looking for their next new client. This costs them 5 to 10% more than building a client appreciation program which will in turn create raving fans who boast to their friends and thereby creating new business. Revisiting this concept and developing a new approach in sales and marketing is the fastest way to improve profits!

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