Impeccable Support

Impeccable Customer Service Tip #306

Having a tough time trying to get your customer-facing employees to deliver an exceptional customer experience? It’s been said many times that it’s hard to be a prophet in your own land. I may be able to help. Let’s get the conversation started…


  1. Jennifer says

    I am the Trainer in the coporate office at my company. I have heard many comments relating to the notion that “how can you train us…you don’t do the job.” When I have actually ‘done the job’ for years before I became the Trainer. Also, I have heard comments such as “what makes you the expert?”
    I suppose these are all well and valid points, but how do you get that ‘buy in?’ I work for a busy call center, and train everyone from new hires to veteran employees, on new processes, to refresher classes. Some people think they are doing a great job, when in fact their “exceptional” is not the equivalent of my/the company’s definition of “exceptional.”
    I welcome your thoughts…
    Thank you,

  2. Hi Jennifer. What a great question! You’re certainly not alone and I’m so glad you asked…

    You mention “buy-in” and I’m here to tell the world that “buy-in” doesn’t work (By the way, here’s a Culture Architect and former Zappos Insights Manager talking briefly about this very thing: (Minute mark 21:40 is the part about “buy-in”)).

    It’s okay to let them have all — or at least most — of the answers. Your people will support what they help to create. The remedy, therefore, is a training style with a high level of interaction; facilitated conversations. Ask powerful questions of your staff and not only will you get their customer experience wheels turning … you’ll likely be surprised at the rich ideas they come up with. And when the ideas belong to them, you’ve created ownership — and ownership trumps buy-in every time.


  1. […] recently posted a daily quick tip including the timeless phrase, “It’s hard to be a prophet in your own land.” I was referring […]

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