Is that the best tool for the job?
8 Business Tools Designed to Save You Time, Money … and Effort
Like many, we lost power during a recent DC area snow storm. My neighbor, Bill, has 4 wheel drive and was nice enough to drop us off at my parents’ home just two miles away … they had power. When we got there, I grabbed my Dad’s snow shovel and was discouraged before I even began moving any snow. This shovel had a steel core, which made it extremely heavy — probably 3-4 times as heavy as mine — and then I quickly found that it wasn’t releasing the snow upon the ol’ lift-‘n’-toss — this made the shovel even heavier. Of course, all I could think about was how much better my shovel was but I’d left it at home and I wasn’t about to call on Bill again for a ride back. I believed my shovel, albeit ten years old, had to be one of the best ever made … until a couple of weeks later when my good friend Masoud came over with his…

This is a recent find. Yesterday, Seth Kahan was organizing a lunch meeting for three of us and turned me onto If you’ve ever taken part in the whole no-reply/reply-alls that happen as a result of — what should be — such a simple task, you will love this tool.
Okay, I’m realizing now that this list paints me as a “Gadget Guy,” and it’s true — I love my gadgets. That said, I have a rule about technology: if it makes life more complicated or difficult, I don’t want it. Be careful with this. A spontaneous purchase can have you missing the point and regretting a decision. Think it through. I once bought an iPod Touch and then later realized, “Wait a minute. Now I’m gonna be carrying around two PDA’s!?! Forget it!” Thank goodness Costco has such a liberal return policy 😉
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That shovel is SO cool. Buy it here:
I love this list Steve. Google voice rocks.
Glad I inspire you, pal! It’s pretty cool that most of your list can be added or accessed from your smart phone.
In 2004, I was working for a brokerage firm in NY and smart phones were just about to become popular. A co-worker told me that they were the waive of the future….man, was he right!
Thanks for the credit! 😀